Fuck the whore
Bedrövelse, förvivlan, beskymmer, lidande... oavsett vad det än är som drar ner din kristallklara själ, se till att hitta din nisch. Min är musiken... det tar aldrig bort känslan, men det blir mindre svårt att ta sig igenom det.
Stab Stab Stab
Let It all out
Let me bleed
Let my body dry out
Fyck you, fuck forever
and while you are at it, fuck you again
I kiss my self a thousand times
for I do not want to feel your sent
For every awakening night,
I want you to die all over again
So you think you know what sort of pain you are causing me?
Try to break your own jaw with your own hands
I know that I one day will fuck the living day out of you
Untill then
keep messing me up
Unfold the box and I will show you the magicien
As you can see, I am not feeling so good
The truth is am dying....
Written by: Dno
Funderar på att bege mig ut och fota lite..

Stab Stab Stab
Let It all out
Let me bleed
Let my body dry out
Fyck you, fuck forever
and while you are at it, fuck you again
I kiss my self a thousand times
for I do not want to feel your sent
For every awakening night,
I want you to die all over again
So you think you know what sort of pain you are causing me?
Try to break your own jaw with your own hands
I know that I one day will fuck the living day out of you
Untill then
keep messing me up
Unfold the box and I will show you the magicien
As you can see, I am not feeling so good
The truth is am dying....
Written by: Dno
Funderar på att bege mig ut och fota lite..
