Leave it in the past
Jag sitter på tåget, hem till min bostad. Tåget passerar städer, hus, träd människor och mycket mer. Mitt högra öga rör vid intryck som räcker för resten av dagen, trots det minns jag nästan inget av det jag såg. Precis som många andra där ute försvinner jag in i mina tankar när jag åker tåg eller buss.
I never was a friend of freedom
I never was a friend of the sun
Abstrakt the tears of joy was
and selutions never really existed
My mind saw me only carrying those feelings
and nothing else
I blindfolded my self from graze to be able to save my self
As I see my tierd hands aging
I realize
Freedom is my friend
The sun is my friend
It`s tears of joy I feel
and selutions do really exist
Selution is me
For all that i once was
Written by: Dno
I never was a friend of freedom
I never was a friend of the sun
Abstrakt the tears of joy was
and selutions never really existed
My mind saw me only carrying those feelings
and nothing else
I blindfolded my self from graze to be able to save my self
As I see my tierd hands aging
I realize
Freedom is my friend
The sun is my friend
It`s tears of joy I feel
and selutions do really exist
Selution is me
For all that i once was
Written by: Dno